The CRPA is made up of corporate and individual members from all aspects of radiation protection: Diagnostic X-Ray, Health Physics, Non-Ionizing Radiation, Government Regulators, Radiation Safety Officers, Radiation Safety Consultants, Equipment Manufacturers, Radiation Monitoring, Protection and Detection Services, etc.
With such diverse representation, there’s no better place to look for advice on radiation protection problems, to have discussions and exchange perspectives on common issues and learn about areas of radiation protection that you may have never even considered! A list of CRPA members is available on the members’ website,
There are many benefits in being a member of the CRPA, and we’ve listed just a few of the best ones here. If you’re looking for a quick overview, you can download CRPA General Poster or the CRPA Career Path Flyer.
Due to the success of the ICRP Free the Annals campaign, all ICRP publications up to the most recent two years are available at no cost. If you are interested in accessing one of the free publications, click on the ICRP image to the left.
CRPA Members are entitled to a 25% discount on the purchase of publications within the past two years or a subscription to the Annals. Details are outlined on the members’ website (under Members Only Publications/Publications pour membres seulement).
CRPA holds a conference in a different Canadian location each year. The conference includes scientific sessions and workshops that promote the discussion of all aspects of both ionizing and non-ionizing radiation and other topics, and includes a Town Hall session with the CNSC. The conference also hosts the annual Anthony J. MacKay Student Paper Contest, along with exhibitors, social events, professional development courses, and the Annual Banquet and Awards Ceremony. It’s a great opportunity to connect with fellow members, colleagues and business associates in the radiation protection and related industries.
The CRPA Annual General Meeting is held during the week of the conference at the conference venue. All are welcome to attend but only Full, Retired and Honorary members have voting rights.
Stay up to date with current events in radiation protection through the CRPA Bulletin – CRPA’s official publication. The Bulletin is published online and is accessible via the public website (members receive notification of new editions), and all CRPA Conference delegates receive a printed copy of the Spring edition. The Editorial Team is always looking for more RP-related content. If you would like to showcase a program at your Institution, share details about a project that you or your colleagues have been working on, or submit an article of interest to the RP community, the CRPA Bulletin is the ideal platform. Advertising is also available. Contact the Secretariat for more information.
The CRPA is also the only organization that provides official registration for Canadian Radiation Safety Professionals. The CRPA(R) designation signifies that an individual has the training and experience required to be an entry-level Radiation Safety Professional.
Think that the CRPA is limited only to Canada? Well think again – CRPA is an Associate Society of the International Radiation Protection Association (IRPA), providing members with access to a global network of over 18,000 colleagues in the international community.
Networking opportunities within CRPA can help you plan for that career in radiation protection that you’ve always wanted. CRPA does not offer employment opportunities, but we do list job advertisements for Corporate member and non-member organizations on our public website and social media accounts.
Renewal notices will be emailed starting in November. As per CRPA Bylaws, memberships not renewed by April 1 will be suspended. Reinstatement of membership requires full payment, as fees are not prorated (contact the Secretariat to have your membership reinstated).
A Full member shall:
Full Membership Fee
Retired Membership Fee (by written request to the Secretariat)
Associate Members lack the necessary qualifications for Full Members, but:
Associate Membership Fee
Retired Membership Fee (by written request to the Secretariat)
Student Membership Fee
Transitional Student Membership Fee (by written request to the Secretariat)
Corporate Membership is open to organizations whose products, services, or interests align with radiation protection or related fields. CRPA offers several levels of Corporate Membership.
Benefits include:
Benefits include:
Benefits include:
Benefits include:
Benefits include: